Focus Driver Performance has a mission to provide drivers with every aspect of preparation to help them achieve success on the world stage.
To achieve this, it is our duty to provide the Australian Motorsport community with the best ‘One-Stop-Shop’ for driver preparation and development.
It is our goal to always provide state of the art equipment and specialist coaching to drivers of all ages and abilities to maximise their true potential.
As a part of our vision to provide a holistic approach to driver performance and preparation, we offer the following umbrella of services all under one roof; Cognitive Development, Fitness Testing/Training, Performance Psychology, Media Training and Driver Coaching. As part of a broader scope, to better serve the Australian Motorsport community, we plan to make our relevant services available to Riders.
Focus’ key values which are based upon; Technology, Education, Coaching, Race Driver and Team Skills Development are aligned directly with the AMIP.
“Having seen first hand the development of Sydney Motorsport Park in recent years, the AMIP is yet another great addition to the park. The AMIP along with the permanent lighting continues to leave it unrivalled within Australia”.
– Oliver Myers
Oliver Myers,
Owner/Manager, Focus Driver Performance
Suite 4, Sydney Motorsport Park,
Ferrers Road, Eastern Creek, 2766 NSW
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